‘Global Citizens in the Making’ Launches at Craigie High

On Monday afternoon the Inspire Aspire team visited Craigie High School in Dundee to deliver a session on the new Inspire Aspire: Global Citizens in the Making programme to around 130 staff and pupils.


Our new and improved “Global Citizens in the Making” poster programme is to be used by S3 pupils at the school, and after Craigie High’s ‘Character Education’ group presented at our Conference in June, we couldn’t think of a better school to officially launch the programme this term!

The purpose of the session was to introduce character and value strengths to the year group, and to walk-through the different aspects of the poster activity which they would be completing throughout the year – this meant focusing on Values, Inspiration and Aspirations. 

Click here to visit inspire-aspire.org.uk to find out more!

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