Central Music Centre Programme

Dear Parent/Carer



I am delighted to write to you to invite your child to become part of our central Music Centre programme in session starting in September 2018.

The opportunity to come together to make music is a wonderful experience and we are proud to offer such a wide range of activities for young musicians across Dundee to take part in. By participating in these programmes throughout the year our young people play and learn alongside each other as well as having the opportunity to participate in many public performance events.  This year alone our young musicians have regularly taken part in many large scale performance opportunities and civic events including an all expenses paid trip at the invitation of one of our twin cities in Wurzburg Germany.  By becoming part of one of these groups the young people do not only develop their playing skills but also their confidence and social skills too with many making friendships outside school that last for years to come.

These activities traditionally run from September through until March with the year ending in two evenings of fantastic entertainment at the Caird Hall. The programme is free to access for children and young people that attend Dundee City Council Schools.

I attach the timetable and sign up form for all activities in session 2018-19 most of which will take place at the Bell Street Music Centre. Your child’s Instrumental Music Instructor or Principal Teacher of Music will be best placed to advise upon which group is most suitable for your child to attend.

For further information regarding the central Music Centre programme or the work of the Instrumental Music Service please do not hesitate to contact me directly.

Yours sincerely

Kenny Christie


View band timetable here


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