Letter to Parents/Carers - Coronavirus

Dear Parent/Carer,

Coronavirus (Covid-19)

I am writing to update you on Coronavirus (Covid-19) as it relates to you as a family and your children as pupils in our schools.

The Scottish Government has indicated all Schools and Early Learning and Childcare settings will be closed for normal business from Monday 23 March 2020.

Teachers at primary and secondary schools have been talking to pupils about using their Glow account for online learning. Nurseries will also be advising about learning at home options.

The school and Early Learning and Childcare settings are making arrangements to offer a provision for the targeted groups as identified by the Scottish Government.

There is an online application for parents and carers who are key workers who have no other means of carrying on their work in key services without support from our service. This link is available on the DCC website along with all other relevant information.

Secondary Schools will determine which senior pupils should attend and confirm this information with parents.

Children and young people who are entitled to a free school meal can collect a meal from their own school between 12 noon and 1.45 p.m. next week and further information will follow for arrangements after the Easter break.

I wish to reassure you that Dundee City Council’s Children and Families Service is continuing to work with Head Teachers across the city to deal with the impact of the situation as it develops.


Yours sincerely

Andrena Waghorn
Head Teacher
Craigie High School
Garnet Terrace

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