New Tayside Mental Wellbeing Service for 16+

New Tayside Mental Wellbeing Service for 16+


As part of Counselling in Schools and Community Mental Health support, each of the Tayside authorities are providing access for young people to Togetherall as of 14th December 2020.


This provides free access to the digital mental health and wellbeing service Togetherall for all residents aged 16-24 living in a Tayside postcode area. Togetherall provides safe, anonymous, online support 24/7, with a supportive community, information and self-help resources, and trained professionals online at all times.  Help in signposting young people toward this resource would be appreciated.


Access is easy: young people simply go to and enter their postcode.


Further information, promotional materials and detail will be sent directly to schools via the Headteacher email account for dissemination to DHTs and Pupil Support/Guidance staff.  As this holiday period can prove particularly difficult for some, it would be appreciated is staff could share information about this resource with all young people aged 16+, particularly those who may benefit from the support at this time.


95% of members reported feeling better as a result of joining Togetherall, and 73% shared something for the first time. Whatever you’re going through, Togetherall is there to help.


One member commented: “It’s great here to just say what you feel and think without judgement, that’s helped me loads, as I’ve always kept a brave face for the last few years with my depression and anxiety. It’s great to be among people who know exactly how you feel!”


For more information on the services offered by Togetherall please see the short video at or contact Andy Dingwall (Counselling in Schools Coordinator – / 07393253052). 

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