Online Learning & Useful Websites

Dear Parent/Carer

We appreciate that this is a challenging time for many pupils, and each family will have their own unique set of circumstances. Hopefully, your child has managed to access the work that is being provided by departments and is making the most of this remote learning experience.

Pupils can access work set by teachers on the appropriate Microsoft Teams through their Glow account. There is also a Craigie High School Learning at Home website Craigie Online Learning ( where generic work is being posted, should Teams not be available. Departments are also using social media eg Twitter to advertise activities and relevant resources.

Some pupils are reporting that they would like additional work to complete, particularly towards the end of the week if they have completed all their official assignments. Some departments have issued suggested extension work through their virtual classrooms or social media accounts, and there are also subject specific links on the school website (see link above).

Please find below a list of suggested websites where pupils can access additional learning opportunities.

Broad General Education (S1-S3)

BBC Scotland - Lockdown Learning

3rd level - Scotland - BBC Bitesize

Scotland Learns | National Improvement Hub (

Learning at home | Parent Zone (

Microsoft Educator Center

Linguascope | The World's Number 1 Interactive Language Learning Platform for Schools (login and password available from Mr Johnston)

Home learning activities | Oxfam GB

Learning Resources - Science Museum Group Learning

Home learning support for families | STEM

Into Film | Film in Education | Film Clubs - Into Film

How to Listen |

National Geographic Kids | (

The Kid Should See This - Smart videos for curious minds of all ages

Crash Course (


Senior Phase (S4- S6)

Scottish Qualifications Authority - SQA

Digital learning from Comhairle Nan Eilean Siar | e-Sgoil (


Secondary – Collins

Lessons Worth Sharing | TED-Ed


Social Education


If you or your child are struggling to access work, or if you have any other concerns, you can contact the school as normal either by telephone or email.

Yours faithfully,

Senior Leadership Team

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