Seafarers receive Christmas Gifts from Craigie pupils

Mrs Gavine has passed on this message from Jacqueline who volunteers with the Apostles of the Sea...

Here are some photos with the presents that the Pupils at Craigie High made for the seafarers. They went to the Well Stimulation Vessel 'Go Electra' in the port of Dundee. Five of the crew are from Poland and two from the Philippines. I took the gifts onto the vessel on Christmas Eve as this is when they celebrate Christmas in Poland and the Philippines.

The Captain, Bart from Poland, was absolutely delighted and looked at all the cards and gifts individually before displaying them next to their Christmas tree and crib.  It made a real difference to their Christmas celebrations and it was really kind of the pupils to think about the seafarers at Christmas far from home.

A big thank you to all of you! Jacqueline






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