
Department Staff 
Mr Gray-Fox

Course documents


Yammer in Physics         OneNote in Physics         Scholar revision                BrainScape revision flashcards


Our Vision

The physics department in Craigie High School reflects and improves through continuing self-evaluation.
In doing so, we aim to:

Promote an ethos of achievement by making our subject accessible to all abilities.

Use a variety of teaching approaches to promote inquisitiveness and self-belief amongst our pupils.

Create a safe and inclusive environment based on mutual respect and open dialogue.

Teach our subject in a relevant way which allows pupils to identify opportunities for future life choices.

In fulfilling these aims, pupils will receive an enjoyable and worthwhile learning experience, allowing them to attain to the best of their ability.


We are pleased to welcome you to the Physics Department at Craigie High School.

Course Information

Our department offers the following certificate courses:   National 3 Physics         

                                                                                          National 4 Physics

                                                                                          National 5 Physics

                                                                                          Higher Physics      

                                                                                          Advanced Higher Physics


S1-S3:  Junior Phase - Broad General Education

S1 & S2:

Throughout S1 and S2, pupils  will complete a mixed science course where their teacher will deliver content from all three sciences; Biology, Chemistry and Physics, as part of a mixed course.
Teachers will discuss which section of science each topic belongs to and will be able to explain how each unit could be relevant to pupils.

Further information on S1 and S2 science will be added to the 'Science' section of the website under 'Departments'.


In S3 pupils will follow a rota system where they will move from one science to the next in 6-7 week blocks.  In doing this, pupils get the opportunity to understand in more detail what each science is about before the important subject choice time, giving them a clearer idea of the path they may wish to take later in school. 

S4-S6:  Senior Phase

In the senior phase pupils have the option of following various paths through the National and Higher qualifications depending on their interest and their ambitions on leaving school.

As an example, pupils may follow the N3 - N4 - N5 path from S4 to S6.  Alternatively, pupils could follow N4 - N5 - H or N5 - H - AH depending on their progress in the department.

Click the 'Course documents' link at the top right of this screen to browse the various course notes, problem booklets and revision resources sorted for each pupil by level.

Please note:  OneNote links take pupils to a bank of resources tailored to individual pupils.  These can only be accessed by pupils using their GLOW login details.

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