Modern Studies

Principal Teacher
S Flynn

Department Staff
A Maloney


Our Vision

As a department we endeavour to uphold the values of Craigie High School. Honesty, equality, determination and responsibility feature prominently in the day to day work of the department.

As a department, we work to ensure that our pupils enjoy their learning experiences. Our courses reflect the complexity and dynamism of an ever changing society. It is our mission to equip students with the skills to engage productively as active citizens.

We understand that closing the attainment gap can only be done successfully by tackling its underlying causes and addressing overarching socio-economic issues like poverty and multiple deprivation. However, as practitioners we are dedicated to raising attainment and securing the necessary resources to tackle barriers to learning.

The department is committed to creating confident individuals, responsible citizens and equipping students with skills to help them achieve their potential in the modern workplace.


The Modern Studies department extends a warm welcome to all visitors to the school / dept. web page. Our motto is ‘making a difference’. Students in Modern Studies and/or Sociology will hopefully put this motto into practice when they leave school and take part in the world outside.

Course Information

Modern Studies and Sociology are subjects which study people in society. Currently we are involved in the school/city twinning project between Dundee and Nablus in Palestine.

In January 2012 ex-Craigie High School pupil, Jim Malone from the Fire Brigade Union (FBU), visited Craigie and shared details of his humanitarian mission to Nablus with S1 Modern Studies pupils. In November 2012, members of the Palestinian Fire Brigade visited S3 pupils in Craigie.

Our courses equip students with skills relevant to a wide range of careers in areas such as healthcare, law, economics, business, armed forces, media and many more.