Parent Council


Craigie High School Parent Council and PTA need your support. We meet once or twice a term for an hour or so and discuss topics pertaining to our children’s school and education.  For example, this year the school and parents are working together to improve communication with parents about homework.  Our meetings are informal and open to every parent/carer who has a pupil at Craigie High. 

I know that everyone who does attend finds them worthwhile and I am sure we have parents out there who attended Parent Council and PTA meetings when their child was at Primary, so why not give it a go at Secondary School?

We would be delighted to see you at one of our meetings.  You do not have to feel obliged to attend every meeting we hold but do come along to at least one and see what goes on for yourself. 

As a parent you can make a difference to your child’s education so start now and take a positive step by joining us at Craigie High Parent Council. For additional information please email: